Our God is wonderful God, he created everything wonderfully and his creations are wonderful. Just look at the world - sky, sun, could, hills, rivers, sea, oceans, forests, fish, animals, birds and Human Being. It’s beautiful and wonderful.
Let's see how God created this world
[TLB] Genisis 1
1. When God began creating the heavens and the earth, 2 the earth was shapeless, chaotic mass, with the Spirit of God brooding over the dark vapors.
When God began the creations, earth was shapeless, un-organized and full of dark vapors. It was not like the way we see now. There is no Light, no sky, no plants and no animals and no humans. It’s full of dark vapors/waters.
3. Then God said, “Let there be light.” And light appeared
God created Sun. But the sun is not in a position, where it is now. In fact it is a first step to form a solar system.
6. And God said, “Let the vapors separate to form the sky above and the oceans below.”
God separated all the vapors to form a cloud and sky.
9-10 Then God said, “Let the water beneath the sky be gathered into oceans so that the dry land will emerge. 11-12 And he said, “Let the earth burst forth with every sort of grass and seed-bearing plant.
Earth was fully covered by waters, God gathered the water into one place formed a dry land (earth). You might have heard that Global warming increase the sea level will cause many cities to go under water.
Actually the whole earth (dry land) was under water, God made this dry land to appear when he gathered all the waters into oceans.
Two years back Scientists found that this earth was under water. This confirms that whatever bible says is true.
Funny thing is that they didn’t find how that water world became a dry land. But bible answers how? Our God did that.
God, ordered all kind of plants and grass to grow on that dry land.
14-15 Then God said, “Let bright lights appear in the sky to give light to the earth and to identify the day and the night; they shall bring about the seasons on the earth, and mark the days and years.” And so it was. 16 For God had made two huge lights, the sun and moon, to shine down upon the earth—the larger one, the sun, to preside over the day and the smaller one, the moon, to preside through the night; he had also made the stars.
This is where the whole solar system was created. God positioned the sun, moon and earth. So that we can calculate days, weeks, months, years.
20 Then God said, “Let the waters teem with fish and other life, and let the skies be filled with birds of every kind.” 24 And God said, “Let the earth bring forth every kind of animal—cattle and reptiles and wildlife of every kind.” And so it was.
God created fishes, birds and animals.
26 Then God said, “Let us make a man someone like ourselves,* to be the master of all life upon the earth and in the skies and in the seas.”
Finally, God created man and women (Adam and Eve). God make him a King of all God’s creation. God made a man to reign in his life. But unfortunately God’s plan didn’t go well. Man lost his authority over God’s creations when he disobeyed God.
Man disobeyed God.
[TLB] Genisis 2
6. But the Lord God gave the man this warning: “You may eat any fruit in the garden except fruit from the Tree of Conscience
[TLB] Genisis 3
6 The woman was convinced. How lovely and fresh looking it was! And it would make her so wise! So she ate some of the fruit and gave some to her husband, and he ate it too.
In chapter genesis 2 Verse 6 – God said don’t eat that fruit.
In chapter Genesis 3 Verse 6 – both Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate that fruit.
If you think why man disobeyed God? It’s an unbelief in God, Jesus said in John 16:9 - The world’s sin is unbelief in me; Assume if man completely believe God, he would have obeyed God. But man didn’t believe him completely, he doubted God. The doubtful thought of man, made him to disobey God.
When Adam and Eve was in Garden of Eden, they don’t have to work for their living. God provided everything for their living, but when man disobeyed, God sent them out of the garden. From then onwards man have to work for his living.
God’s plan was to keep us safe, protect us, provide us, and meet all our needs. But our unbelief failed the God’s plan.
Why God created Man
8 And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.
God came down to earth to see Adam and Eve after they sinned;
I was wondering how someone can identify the person from hearing the sound of walking. We could recognize the voice of familiar person. But how Adam and Eve able to recognize the sound of God’s walking sound? Unless if they both of them heard that sound again and again. Every evening God descends from heaven and walk with Adam and Eve and spend time with them. God shared his love, Goodness and grace with Adam and Eve.
Now, the answer for the question “Why God created human being”? God want to have fellowship with human, and he want to spend time with human. He want to share his love, Goodness, grace and he want to live with us. But it’s our unbelief made us to sin against God and it's our sin which separated God from us.
Though we failed God, by our sins, he don’t want to fail us. He gave another chance through Jesus Christ. That’s a reason he sent his only Son Jesus Christ to this earth. This time God didn’t rely on man’s obedience. God sent his only son Jesus Christ and he lived the life how Adam supposed to live. And he died on the cross to forgive our sins. That’s a reason Jesus is called last Adam.
[TLB] Romans 5:
19 Adam caused many to be sinners because he disobeyed God, and Christ caused many to be made acceptable to God because he obeyed.
Human being lost God’s fellowship because of Adam’s sin & disobedience. God gave us another chance through Jesus Christ. And he restored the fellowship through Jesus Christ. When someone believe that "Jesus died for my sins", God give him Holy Spirit, and God restore the fellowship of God through Holy Spirit. God share his Love and Goodness with those who believe him. We can live with God in heaven when our spirit leaves this body.
It was an easy Job for God to create us and create this world. But it’s not easy to redeem us. He had to bleed on the cross to redeem us.
Why God have to redeem us?
For example, if Engineer or scientist invent some new product, and when that product fail to function correctly, what does that person do? Will he just ignore it? No he works day and night to fix his product.
If human being care about our little invention, how much more God care about us, who created us. Who created us in his own image? He couldn’t see his creation dying in sins. So he become a redeemer and come down to this earth to redeem us from sin. In other language he down to fix us because he care about us.
Engineer who invented a product would not give his life to fix his product. But God gave his life to fix us. That’s a difference between man and God. God will go to any extent to redeem us. God has no limits.
Jesus bore world sin when he was hanging on the cross, anyone who believe "Jesus died for my sins", gets a second chance to have fellowship with God. Because, Jesus washes our sin away by his blood and make us a new creation.